
3 days


Employees of federal, state and local governments; and businesses working with the government.

Course Description:

In this hands-on course, you will receive in-depth training on Wireshark® and TCP/IP communications analysis. You will develop a thorough understanding of how to use Wireshark efficiently to spot the primary sources of application performance problems.

Topics Covered:

  • Traffic capturing techniques and analyzer placement
  • Traffic filtering (capture/display)
  • Customized profiles
  • Latency issue identification
  • Connection establishment concerns
  • Error interpretation
  • Normal behavior of DNS,TCP, UDP, and HTTP/HTTPS
  • Fault isolation for issues in DNS, TCP, UDP, and HTTP/HTTPS


A strong foundation in TCP/IP Networking

Course Materials

Course includes a student guide with 15 labs, example trace files, and the book “Wireshark 101: Essential Skills for Network Analysis – Second Edition: Wireshark Solution Series” by Laura Chappell.